Log: 2025-02-05 Wednesday

发布于 8 天前  34 次阅读

  1. Weather: overcast
  2. Temperature: 6°C to 9°C
  3. Location: Jingyang District, Deyang

Today I find myself in a state of considerable vexation.

My father, despite having intimated his intentions a fortnight ago regarding the adoption of a feline that had been frequenting his workplace, has now brought home a feral cat. My indignation stems from the fact that we already harbor a black cat (designated as "Little Black") in our residence, and this undomesticated newcomer, having neither undergone deworming procedures nor received requisite vaccinations, poses a potential health hazard to Little Black.

Little Black epitomizes timidity and hypersensitivity, exhibiting an paradoxical fear of rodents while merely possessing the capability to catch (hit) cockroaches. I facilitated her domestication in March 2020, assuming primary caregiving responsibilities during the subsequent months due to the COVID-19 pandemic necessitating remote university attendance. Upon my return to campus life, my father assumed the role of her custodian for two years. Following my academic certification, I relocated to my hometown and have been employed here for over two years. One evening in November 2023, while she was in deep slumber, my attempt to caress her resulted in an unprecedented incident - she exhibited a startled response and inflicted a bite that drew blood, presumably due to a stress reaction, as she typically engages in merely gentle nibbling. This necessitated the administration of four rabies immunoglobulin injections in my ring finger, two in my wrist, and two in my shoulder, incurring expenses exceeding 2,000 RMB, as per the physician's recommendation of one injection per 10 kg of body weight. The cumulative cost, including tetanus vaccination and subsequent immunizations, surpassed 3,000 RMB.

In all candor, her disposition lacks endearing qualities, as she seeks human interaction solely when requiring sustenance (particularly treats) or massage therapy. She exhibits aversion to physical embrace and lap-sitting; her preferred massage positions involve either reclining on one's chest through quilts (typically presenting her posterior) or lying on the bed while permitting adjacent seated patting. Regarding feline recreational implements, she demonstrates selective predilections, favoring only the feathers with bells and laser pointers displaying mouse patterns, while manifesting conspicuous disinterest in conventional red dots, floral designs, or pentagonal laser pointers. Recently, due to my nocturnal engagement with galgame, she frequently solicits door opening and massage services during the small hours, which I find somewhat detrimental to my gaming experience.

Notwithstanding my enumeration of her less favorable attributes, I acknowledge my obligation to ensure her well-being, as she represents both a being I chose to domesticate and a family member. While my father's adoption of the feral cat stems from sympathetic inclinations, and despite his implementation of isolation protocols in consideration of Little Black's welfare, I cannot reconcile myself with this potentially deleterious decision regarding Little Black's health. Although I harbored intense desires to physically confront my father and expel the stray feline from our dwelling, such actions were rendered impossible due to property ownership considerations (the residence being his, not mine). My lack of property ownership of any other house precludes the option of relocating her elsewhere. The apartment I lease in Chengdu presents complications regarding pet accommodation, considering landlord sensitivities. More significantly, my father's timing in introducing the feral cat coincided with the conclusion of my vacation period and imminent return to Chengdu for professional obligations, rather than at the vacation's commencement, which would have afforded more time for accompanying Little Black. Upon today's return home, the sight of Little Black sequestered behind the curtains in my chamber elicited profound concern.

Though I am disinclined to express such sentiments, I cannot help but view my father as an obtuse, irresponsible individual whose excessive compassion borders on foolishness.