Log: 2025-01-04 Saturday

发布于 21 天前  81 次阅读

  1. Weather: cloudy
  2. Temperature: 6°C to 14°C
  3. Location: Wuhou District, Chengdu

The clock's strident tones roused me from slumber at the hour of 8:15, notwithstanding the fact that tody is Saturday. The early rising was necessitated by me need to render assistance to the hardware engineer in the assembly of new VoCs detectors, a task that has constituted my primary endeavor of late, as I have previously mentioned. In a manner consistent with yesterday's repast, I procured two pieces of Jiangxiang flatbread and a brace of eggs to serve as my morning sustenance, which I accompanied with a bottle of Nescafe.

Today's mission encompasses not only the provision of aid to the hardware engineer but also a focus on the MTP, UMS and RNDIS functionalities of USB. My initial task is to integrate the MTP feature into the detectors, which currently process only the ADB function. Despite my efforts to configure the kernel in accordance with Rockchip's USB quick guide, I found myself unable to successfully implement the MTP function on my SoC. It's appears that the mainline kernel has excised MTP, a protocol that found extensive utilization in Android kernel. The Linux community maintains the belief that MTP should be implemented within the user-space rather than in drivers/staging directory. Consequently, I succeeded only in implementing UMS and RNDIS.

Both my midday repast and my evening meal wre partaken at Wanda Square - the former constitute of crayfish noodles and the latter comprising boiled lamb.